Aim 網頁 BW website trading
We are a professional company, located in Hong Kong, in trading massive second-hand domains. All sold domains are being optimized many times in search engine and therefore it is very reliable.

If you are not high demanding for the design, and want to increase the sales for the website, you can rent our Aim environmental friendly website.

Benefit 1: No worry on the website content and pictures
Benefit 2: No need to wait for search engine optimization and therefore save a lot of time
Benefit 3: Effective immediately, become more success for your online business

01 Choose a website
Different industry and key word will result in different velocity. Please choose according to your online experience. The name if domain is not important.
02 Online business professional
Our online business professional provides you the need-to-know issues when trading, the velocity report of the website, and the distribution of key words.
03 Edit the content of the website
We will help you to edit the website information that your customer provided, for example, the company name, address, service information, product information, etc.
04 Own your website
You can get the unlimited business opportunity immediately. No matter it is an online shop of an ordinary business website, we can serve you.
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搬屋 yahoo, google, bing -- 已租出
搬屋 yahoo, google, bing, baidu -- 已租出
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貸款 yahoo, google -- 已租出
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貸款 yahoo, google, bing 205 出售中
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中港運輸 yahoo, google, bing, baidu -- 已租出
回收 yahoo -- 已租出
燒烤飲食 yahoo, google 286 出售中
清潔服務 yahoo, google -- 已租出
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潮流時裝 yahoo, google, bing 406 出售中
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會計 yahoo, google, bing -- 已租出
催眠 yahoo, google, bing 430 出售中
美容 yahoo, google, bing -- 已租出

更新至 2016年6月